Thursday, July 15, 2010


We've found quite a few surprises since buying our house - like asbestos in the basement, a shower disguised as a linen closet, and a buried cement patio, to name just a few.

Lately, though, we've discovered a much more...uhh, enjoyable surprise - mostly because it doesn't involve us getting a lung disease, bucketloads of money to make functional, or weeks of backbreaking manual labor to dig up.

Yup, Daylilies. What we've thought was sort of grassy plant for the past year is actually a flowering plant, with gorgeous blooms. We think it's pretty incredible that they're still alive and doing well, considering that they've probably had zero care and maintenance for years. Only one bloom opens per day, so unfortunately these guys wouldn't do very well inside a bud vase for some free blooms to pretty up our house on the inside (although from what we've read, a stem with several buds would work well for a flower arrangement). And the flowers are so pretty, we're thinking we might just plant a few more in our backyard.... when we actually get around to landscaping it, that is.

We're pretty sure that surprises are a common thing to come across with a new home, or even one you've lived in for awhile! Anyone else pleasantly surprised when your new place sprouts some beautiful perennials you didn't know where there? Or perhaps some other type of plant you discovered? Anyone not-so-happily surprised to discover something not as fun a pretty plant - like a buried patio, for example?

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